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Showing posts from May 4, 2011

Magical Moment 460, "Finishing Uphill"

There are a couple running routes that Joy and I tackle. The 3 main ones I choose from are the Long route, the Short route, and the Hard route. The Hard route is full of hills. And just when we think we're done with our work out and we're home free, there is one last enormous hill to conquer. A hill so steep, long, and winding, that the sidewalk has been turned into stairs for pedestrians. But once we've made it to the top, it feels so good. I praise Joy and tell her what a good girl she is. I just think it's a great way to finish a run. Not an easy way. But then again, most things worth doing never are. (This is the first half of the hill, the second is beyond that curve)

Magical Moment 459, "Georgia"

This is a video from Jazz Night at Soule Restaurant in Brooklyn. I played there last week and had a great time. They invited me back to play June 10th! Enjoy!

Magical Moment, 458, "A Mamma's Babies"

Don't mess with a Mamma's babies!  "The watchful mother tarries nigh, though sleep has closed her infant's eyes."   -John Keble Happy Mother's Day, all you Mammas out there!

Magical Moment 457, "Meal Time Shocks"

Every time I go back home to visit my nephews, it seems they manage to shock and surprise me with how much they've grown up and changed since my  last  visit. For some reason, meal time, is the common time to do this. Once on a visit home, I was feeding Ethan (then 3 years old) a snack of cheese and crackers. Midway through, with his mouth stuffed full, he said something like,  "Aunt Beff, can I have more cheezwilmows?"  I had no idea what he meant, so I asked him to repeat it. "More cheezwilmows?" he asked again. Finally I had to get his mother in the next room to translate. She laughed and explained, "He's saying, 'Can I have more cheese, little mouse?'" It seems whenever his mother puts cheese on his plate, she says, "Here's some cheese, little mouse!" He learned to make it all one word.  Ethan shocked me again more recently when he was having trouble getting the ranch dressing bottle open.  He struggled for a minute and

Magical Moment 456, "Overheard"

Overheard in the waiting room of a family-owned Italian hair salon in Northern New Jersey: A young, pregnant woman sat in chair reading last month's  People  magazine with her mother next to her. "You pick a name yet?" her mother asked in her heavy Italian accent, referring to her daughter's unborn child.  "I told you already, ma. We like Shane," the daughter replied with out glancing up. " Shama?!  You a gonna name my only garan-sun Shama? Like, 'I'm ashama you?'" The daughter gave her an exasperated look, "No ma. SHAY-NNNN." The mother threw her hands up, "I a no understand." In what seemed like a rehearsed response, the daughter explained, "Ma, no Italian name goes with the last name of Shroeder. We just want something that sounds American and goes together. Anyways, everything worked out with our first one. You didn't like  her  name and now you love it." Then the daughter looked at me, a p

Magical Moment 455, "Showers of Blessing"

"Showers of Blessing"  Daniel W. Whittle, James McGranahan There shall be showers of blessing: This is the promise of love. There shall be seasons refreshing, sent from the Savior above. Showers of blessing, showers of blessing we need. Mercy drops round us are falling, but for the showers we plead. There shall be showers of blessing; O that today they might fall. Now as to God we're confessing, Now as on Jesus we call! Showers of blessing, showers of blessing we need. Mercy drops round us are falling, but for the showers we plead.

Magical Moment 454, "Progress III"

I thought I'd share part of another nearly complete track from my album that I'm working hard on with Modern Vintage Recordings.  It is HARD to do background vocals! Since I've written these songs myself, I've only heard the melody in my head for  so  long, that it's difficult to hear new harmonies. Thank goodness for Jason Cummings who has harmonies oozing out his ears and has arranged most of these.  This video was taken directly after we finished background vocals for "How I Say Goodbye." Definitely the most upbeat and country sounding track on the album. Actually more like "ho-down" sounding. But it's a fun song. Enjoy! (And keep in mind, the track is far from being refined, mixed, and mastered).  Here are posts as I chronicle my album recording with Modern Vintage Recordings: 1 .  Optimistic Gamble 2.  Sophie's Choice 3.  Pre-Production Meeting Two 4.  Redeemed 5.  To Accordion or not to Accordion, that is the Question 6.  Fifth