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Showing posts from March 9, 2011

Magical Moment 404, "The Lighthouse"

We visited the charming, historic town of Sleepy Hollow, NY today with my mother-in-law who is visiting from Texas. We walked to this lovely little lighthouse near the Tappan Zee Bridge. Hours later, I realized that I had been humming the same tune all day long, one I hadn't thought of in years. Growing up very Baptist, I still have a special place in my heart for the old hymns . I recall hearing this particular one at week long revival meetings, belted out in four part harmony with a deep baritone voice bellowing the pick up notes. When I got home, I looked up the lyrics and began playing it. Soon the old song took on a new and personal meaning for me, and I wanted to share it with you all.  "The Lighthouse"  by Ronnie Hinson There's a lighthouse on a hillside That overlooks life's sea When I'm tossed, it sends out A light that I might see And the light that shines in darkness now Will safely lead us oer If it wasn't for The Lighthouse My ship would b

Magical Moment 403, "All 'er Nuthin'"

I told Eddie when we met, "I'm kind of an all or nothing girl." That's probably why we got engaged 2 months after we started dating. For some reason, maybe it's genetic, maybe it's a brain abnormality, maybe it's psychological. Either way, I can't seem to do anything half way. It can't be in between. It can't be now and then. No half and half of anything will do. I can't just be in the Army, I have to be paratrooper and an officer. I can't just apply to graduate school. It has to be law school. I can't just record my songs, I have to record them in New York City. Anything less to me, is substandard. It makes for some great experiences, some great personal goals, some great ambitions, but it really takes its toll in  pressure . How much can one person take upon themselves? How much is  too  much? When can I be satisfied with my choices? This struggle is nothing new for me if you've read much of this blog. For me, everything goe

Magical Moment 402, "Your Mark"

Everyone wants to leave an impression on the world in some way, large or small. We want someone to remember that we were here. We strive for an impressive career or family. Something,  anything  to carry on our legacy when we're gone. Some end up in the history books, their name in bold print under the category of "revolutionaries," or "inventors." Some end up with fame and glory, their name in lights, beloved and admired by their fans. Some pass on without the world ever knowing their name, quietly living their lives, unaware of the impact they have on others.  These people left their mark, like graffiti carelessly scribbled on a bathroom wall, "I was here." But oh what a wall they chose to write on. These are the walls of the immigrant processing center at Ellis Island. And now their doodle, their name, their mark, is forever displayed under a protective cover of Plexiglas for millions of visitors to look upon and marvel over. I thought about their

Magical Moment 401, "The Lost Hour"

"Don't count every hour in the day,  make every hour in the day count." My head is spinning lately with too many projects and not enough time to devote to them. Work, family visiting, a show to prepare for, life altering decisions to make, recording music...ah! As if 24 hours in a day weren't few enough, Sunday I have only 23!  I suppose I could stress, or complain about losing time. In fact I caught myself doing that today. While I was sitting on the couch. Watching an infomercial. Talk about lost hours. As soon as I realized it, I thought about the many other lost hours in past regular 24-hour days. Yikes. No daylight savings to blame there.  Time is constant. It is myself who either squanders or makes it count. Maybe realizing the truth about lost hours, will help me find many more in the future.

Magical Moment 400, "Then the Floods Came"

I, like many others, have been watching footage of the devastation in Japan today. The images are heart stopping and frightening, as I’m sure you know. I find myself wondering and worrying about those in the path of destruction, the ones missing, and the ones lost. And then, there have been stories. Stories of sacrifice, help, and rescue. And although those stories are fewer than the ones of ruin, they’re there. My own neighborhood received a heavy dose of water as well. In fact, our little town was on the local news today because of waist high waters near the grocery store where I shop. I walked around there today. The roads were closed off with barriers and police cars. The overflowed creek waters left muck and slop, hanging a horrible stench in the air when they resided. I took a few steps back to grasp the full scale of the mess, and noticed numerous puddles scattered across the earth. Like mirrors, they reflected the soft colors of the beautiful, after-storm sky with perfect cla

Magical Moment 399, "Manners"

There is a joke in Nebraska that a traffic jam is getting stuck behind a tractor driving on the highway. A traffic jam in the metro area of New York however, is NO joke! This is why when my friends and family back in the heartland make a remark about bad traffic, I throw them a dagger stare and mutter under my breath, "You have no idea." Today I drove from New Jersey to Long Island to spend a day at the  Law School  I'm  considering . I drove through toll after toll. I merged from 20 lanes of traffic down to 2. And I tried not to get run over by the semi trucks zooming by. I wondered, "When did people stop having manners?" Don't we learn common courtesy as kids? Please, thank you, take turns, share? When someone needs to get in my lane, shouldn't I just let them in, rather than holding up traffic in their lane because I'm too cranky or proud to slow down a teensy bit? Maybe I could turn my blinker on before I switch lanes, just to let the other pe

Magical Moment 398, "The Manly, Girly Voice"

Married couples are forever trying to impress their in-laws. I suppose it's just a fact of life. Eddie and I are both fortunate to have a supportive family that we love and get along with. Still, especially at the beginning of our marriage, we walked on egg shells, putting our best foot forward to show ourselves worthy to our new families. My parents came to stay with us a while ago and we grilled out one night. While we ate and talked, somehow, our cat Emily got out of the house. Our last cat got hit by a car, so we're both paranoid about leaving her outside for too long. After a few cars raced by our house, Eddie decided it was best to get her back inside. Our cat is pretty smart. She comes when she's called. The thing is, you have to call her in a really high-pitched, funny sound. I think that started when she was a kitten, and we just automatically cooed her name like we would a baby, but it stuck. So now, anytime we want her to come, we have to say "Emily"