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Showing posts from January 12, 2011

Magical Moment 348, "Frozen Rainbow"

I took my two nephews for a walk on the frozen pond near their grandparents house. This was truly amazing for them. They tentatively touched the ice with their feet before venturing out all the way. When they finally did, it was all but impossible to take their eyes off the ground. Ethan, 4 years old, looked very hard to see if fish were swimming underneath the odd, clear surface. And Zach, 2 years old, ran back and forth across the pond, chasing the 2 dogs that were playing fetch on the ice.  Suddenly, I heard Ethan's voice proclaim in excitement, "Lisabiff! Look what I found!" I was just throwing a stick for the dogs and asked him what it was. "A frozen rainbow!" was his matter-of-fact reply as he hunched close to the ice in awe. I walked over to him, secretly wondering what on earth he could have possibly found that looked like a frozen rainbow. It turns out, that's exactly what it was. I pulled out the camera and snapped a photo of Ethan's amazing

Magical Moment 347, "Warmth"

There are times when it just feels like nothing is right. When all the weight of the universe is beating down on me and I can’t seem to find anything positive, despite the obvious blessings that so abundantly surround me. They say that the countless wonderful things in life are forgotten in an instant as soon as one negative thing happens. Maybe that’s why God gave us memories. They’re like comfort food, like a blanket in the cold, or sometimes like medicine. You keep them stored and then pull one out when you need it. But I think that too is a choice. Happiness is an effort. And that’s kind of what this daily blog is about . Today, I was encouraged by a long forgotten memory, when I watched a young teenager exit the passenger side of a car. Her father was dropping her off for ballet class. She simply said, “See you after class, dad. Love you.” Suddenly, who knows why these ancient thoughts appear after a decade or more of absence (I suppose because I needed it today), but I was flo

Magical Moment 346, "Quiet Country"

Well today has been quite a day. I couldn't sleep last night, so at 12:30 am, I got out of bed and went to my music room. I decided to begin working on some instrumental tracks for the  musical I'm playing for . This way, the cast will have a feel for what a full band will sound like, rather than just the piano they're dealing with now.  Fifteen hours later, I looked up from the computer and realized, it's 3 in the afternoon and I'm hungry. I was so focused, that I hadn't noticed the day is nearly gone. I recorded 13 instrumental tracks for the musical "Touch," to be performed this February at the 13th Street Repertory Company in New York City.   I decided to record my own voice on one of the shorter tracks so you all could hear what I've been working so diligently on. This is not an original song of mine, nor am I a member of the performing cast. I'm only helping with the music.  And now that my tasks are complete, I can relax for a few hou

Magical Moment 345, "Free The Squirrels"

"There is no such thing as a little freedom. Either you are all free, or you are not free." -William Cronkite We found this little squirrel in a trap today. He was very frightened and upset at his capture. But his spirit was not gone. He searched every square inch of the cage for an escape. He chattered angrily at me as I debated what to do next. I slipped him my granola bar, which he devoured in an instant. Who knows how long he's been there.  Finally, we managed to set him lose. The moment he realized his freedom, he scurried to the highest tree top. He looked back one last time, just to make sure the cage was really behind him.  I imagine he is with his friends and family, telling the heroic tale of his capture and escape, and enjoying his freedom.

Magical Moment 344, "New York State of Mind"

This video was taken at Riverside Park in Manhattan, overlooking the Hudson River with truly remarkable scenery all around. It felt very "New York" so I thought Billy Joel's song was only appropriate. They say if you live in New York City for 10 years, you can call yourself a "New Yorker." I'm not sure what it's called when you live in New Jersey and commute into the city a few times a week for a year and a half, but I have a feeling it doesn't quite add up. Oh well, I occasionally have my New York moments. This was one of them. Enjoy.

Magical Moment 343, "Beach Day, Winter Style"

My husband, a U.S. National Park Ranger, had to qualify with his weapon and take his physical fitness test today. And since the day was free for me, I decided to drive down to Sandy Hook National Park with him and occupy myself for a few hours while he conducted business. It turned out to be a beautiful day... (click to enlarge photos if you wish) I was stunned to see the sandy beach sandwiched between snow and ocean. Joy was so happy to bark at the waves, she flew a little. It was such a clear day, that even the moon decided to make an appearance, just over the lighthouse. We trudged through the wild snowy trails. Joy, my ever loyal dog, plowed a path for me. Most importantly, Eddie qualified with flying colors. And then our trio flew home. Past the flying geese.

Magical Moment 342, "The Piano"

This day was truly amazing. After months of preparation, I took my place at the piano bench behind a plexiglass window and recorded the piano for my album. With complete focus and concentration, I played along with the full band and orchestra that played in my ears. When I pounded the final chord of the final song I pressed my fingers firmly down on the keys. Gradually, the sound faded into silence and I lifted my fingers from the keyboard. Suddenly I felt like soaring. It had all come together and I , Miss anal-retentive, knit-picky, perfectionist, was pleased with our work for the day. Should you purchase the album when it is finished this early spring (and I hope that you do), listen closely to each song. For I’m certain that underneath the numerous musical instruments playing, the microphone in the sound booth must have picked up the intense beating of my heart. My posts as I chronicle my album recording with Modern Vintage Recordings: 1.  Optimistic Gamble 2.  Sophie's